By supporting and managing projects on an international platform, in the recent past I have gained important experience in the Asian market.
By focussing on China and India, I can offer my customers services in two directions: Firstly, for European companies that need local advice in Asia or need to deal with the strategic potential available in Asian countries. Secondly, I can – in turn – help Chinese and Indian companies gain access to European or global markets.

Why China and India?
China and India are growth markets. For some time now, China has no longer just been the world’s “workbench” but is now an internationally recognised development and production partner. World market leaders and hidden champions already come from China and India.
There is a stark contradiction at a technical level in both countries: on the one hand, both countries are still working with outdated technologies and unusually rigorous processes. On the other hand, innovative high-tech production companies with qualified employees exist in parallel, whose level of training is comparable to that found in the German-speaking region.
Alternative strategies
German companies often need to work hard to get used to the Asian approach or even regard it as being incomprehensible. The same is true in the opposite direction.
Regardless of their origin, companies can only be successful in the long term if they take into account cultural differences and adapt their management strategy to their respective target country. Being open to a different culture and accepting it is the key to promising and long-term project management.

In our Asian Consulting business unit we have been working for many years with Dr.-Ing. Hans Wobbe of Wobbe & Partner
Dr. Ing. Hans Wobbe was born in Hamburg in 1951 and studied Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Braunschweig. He was awarded a doctorate on “Expansion flows of polymer fluids” in 1984.
After holding several management positions in plastics processing, including Head of Development at Werner & Pfleiderer GmbH in Stuttgart, he switched from compounding to injection moulding. With responsibility as Engineering Director of Munich-based Krauss-Maffei Kunststofftechnik GmbH, for the first time the combination of both technologies became production-reliable and ready for market. During his work as Engineering Director / Production Directer for the Austrian company Engel Holding GmbH, he had a special focus on the development of a complete product range of fully-electric injection moulding machines. Furthermore, production accelerated the extension and construction of new plants, especially in Asia.
In 2010 along with Dr.-Ing. Erwin Bürkle, he established the Wobbe Bürkle Partner partnership and has since then worked as an independent management consultant. He is also an adviser to Voss Holding GmbH & Co. KG, in Wipperfürth, as well as the Start-up Adviser for the Institute for Lightweight Construction and Hybrid Systems (ILH) at the University of Paderborn. He also is also a scientific adviser to the Institute of Plastics Technology (KTP) at the University of Paderborn and is a member of the VDI Plastics Technology Strategy Group of the VDI Society for Materials Engineering.
Since 2014, he has been recognised as a Foreign Expert in China by the “State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs” (SAFEA) and is also a “Member of 1000 Talent Plan”. Since the summer semester of 2013, he has lectured on “Combination technologies based on injection moulding” at the Institute for Plastics Processing at RWTH Aachen University.

My services:
I support companies in overcoming intercultural differences, including in the following areas:
- Establishment of an adapted corporate strategy
- Business Development
- Development of suitable management strategies for business success taking into account different cultures
- Development and opening up of the required local network
- Development and innovation support at the required level
- Building of bridges between local management and company management
- Neutral project management
- Regular updates
- Mediation in intercultural conflict situations